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Lifeline 13 11 14

24/7 telephone crisis line.

Online crisis support chat

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

24/7 telephone support and online chat service

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

24/7 nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling to anyone affected by suicide

• People who are suicidal

• People caring for someone who is suicidal

• People bereaved by suicide

Griefline 1300 845 745 / metro (03) 9935 7400

Free, confidential telephone counselling services to anyone in the community who may need support in order to express their feelings and experiences.

Midday to 3.00am, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Online 24/7 counselling

The Compassionate Friends 1800 641 091 / metro (03) 9888 4944

24/7 grief telephone support for bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings.

SIDS and KIDS 1300 308 307

24/7 bereavement support line for families and others who have experienced the sudden or unexpected death of an infant, young child or adolescent less than 18 years of age.

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800

24/7 telephone and online counselling for children, adolescents and young adults.

Parentline 1800 860 660 / 13 22 89

State wide telephone counselling, information and referral service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years. 8.00am to midnight 7 days per week.

Mensline 1300 78 99 78

24/7 telephone support for men concerned abut their behaviour.

After Hours Child Protection Emergency Service 131 278

5.00pm to 9.00am, Monday to Friday, 24/7 on weekends and public holidays.

National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling 1800 737 732 or 1800 respect

Provides 24/7 information, support and counselling to assist people experiencing the effects of sexual assault, domestic or family violence.

Gamblers Helpline 1800 858 858

A free and confidential 24/7 telephone help line for people who are affected by gambling.

Directline (Drug and Alcohol issues) 1800 888 236

24/7 confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals to access the Victorian public alcohol and other drug treatment system.

Housing Support Service 1800 825 955

24/7 housing support service. Speak with a housing support worker if you are homeless, at risk of being homeless, or escaping family violence. The 1800 number directs you to a service closest to you, however if you call outside business hours the call will be directed to the Salvation Army Crisis Service.

Butterfly National Helpline 1800 33 4673

Eating Disorders support

online counselling from our website - webchat or email 8:00am to 9:00pm Mon-Fri AEST

National Relay Service

24-hour service, TTY/voice calls 133 677, Speak and Listen 1300 555 727

Free Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 13 11 44

A free phone interpreting service for people who do not speak English.

When grief matters, freecall 1800 642 066 or visit

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